This program translates phonebook data from one format to another. PBIMPORT - Version 1.03 - Copyright 1992, Intel Corporation. Usage: PBIMPORT [/OPTIONS] If the file type cannot be determined from the .EXTension, the optional type parameter can be used to indicate the file type. Extension : Equivalent type parameter --------- ------------------------- .PB /PB CAS Compatible phone book file .CSV /CSV Comma Separated value file .TSV /TSV Tab Separated value file .TXT /TXT Fixed Field ASCII file .DAT /DAT User Data Base (valid for source only) .FXD /FXD Faxit Data Base (valid for source only) Options: /HELP This Help Message /? This Help MEssage /VERBOSE Print details of import/export operation /APPEND Append export information to existing destination file /MERGE Merge export information into existing destination file (The /MERGE and /APPEND options are identical). /OVERWRITE Overwrite the output file It will translate to or from CAS, TSV, CSV or TXT format files. It will only read DAT and FXD files. DAT files are from NetSatisFAXtion's user database. FXD files are Faxits phonebook database files. Groups are handled in all formats except FXD (FAXit). To see what the TSV, CSV and TXT format files look like, run PBIMPORT default.pb x.tsv (or .csv or .txt) and use an editor to examine the output. Files prepared for input should use the same format.